Business Formats

Lawnscience, one franchise two formats

The two Lawnscience business formats were designed to enable a newcomer to the lawn industry to be able to start a Lawnscience business in a measured and controlled way. Having gained knowledge and experience, a franchisee will then be able to grow their business to a size that they are comfortable with and one that meets their financial and lifestyle expectations.

First Format: Man and a Van

All new Lawnscience franchisees start off their new business as a man-and-a-van business. This format is the perfect way to really get to grips with learning the business from the ground up. As the franchisee not only recruits new customers but also provides various lawn treatments. A franchisee quickly gains extensive experience in applying the full range of Lawnscience treatments as well as learning to manage various scenarios which can occur in UK lawns.

As a man and a van franchise a new franchisee will be able to manage between 400-500 customers. This franchise format is highly profitable and is the ultimate choice for some of our franchisee partners.

Graham Wheeler Lawn Care Expert
Graham business owner: Guildford

Having mastered a man and a van business each franchisee has the option to upgrade their business, with no further payment to Lawnscience, to a multi-van format. The decision to upgrade is made by the franchisee and is a business and lifestyle choice.

Second Format: Multi-van

Having mastered a man and a van franchise a franchisee is in the perfect position to grow their business into a multi-van business. The first stage is to recruit and train the franchisee’s first technician. Lawnscience can provide training if required but normally the franchisee would provide this training within the franchise operation in order that the franchisee can instill their standards. Additional marketing is then applied to the local market in order to grow the customer base.

With one technician the franchisee will still be involved with the application of treatments to customers’ lawns. However, as the business grows further and more technicians are recruited the franchisee takes on more of a managerial role within the business.

Each franchisee decides on the size of their business and expands when and if they decide to, by growing their customer base and recruiting more technicians to look after their growing customer base.

The format you choose is your decision, we can talk through the pros and cons of each with you.

Call us today at 01908 596192 and we can provide you with an overview of each format for you to consider.

Want to get started? Get in touch to receive our FREE Lawnscience Prospectus.

The RHS is the world's leading gardening charity.

Lawnscience supports the RHS by annual charitable donations

I knew that I wanted a total change in my career – I didn’t want to be sitting in an office every day, I wanted to be outside, meeting people and making a difference I could see. Having researched lawn care companies, Lawnscience were the most transparent and appealing franchise, Terry was more than happy to provide information and share his experiences to help me determine whether this was for me. I am not a natural ‘salesman’ but the results sell it for me! I have had so much positive feedback from my customers, and a lot of new customers have come from word of mouth, which is such a confidence boost. I can be flexible, determining my own working hours to suit me and my family and I get to travel around to so many different places, meeting loads of people while delivering a service where you can actually see the transformation. Owning and running my Lawnscience Franchise is the best career move that I have ever made, and I wish I had done it 10 years ago!
Nigel Bishop See more reviews
Nigel Bishop See more reviews

Lawnscience Prospectus


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    I knew that I wanted a total change in my career – I didn’t want to be sitting in an office every day, I wanted...
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
    I knew that in order to take control of my income and working life, I would have to work for myself, rather than working for...
    David Stewart See more reviews
    David Stewart See more reviews
    I started the franchise six months ago and the business is continually expanding. I have a solid customer base with which I have great relationships....
    Gary Pearce See more reviews
    Gary Pearce See more reviews
    After much research, various exhibitions, and open days, Lawnscience was the obvious choice for me and has proven to be everything I hoped for. Through...
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
    Nigel Bishop See more reviews
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